Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cheesecake Ice Cream

I haven't posted a recipe in nearly a year ... and what a year it's been.

I'm trying to get back into the swing of life, and I will start with the elixir of life ... ICE CREAM!

This sounds so yummy and cold. I am intrigued by the use of lemon and orange rind. I think if I was making this ice cream I would use the zest from fresh lemon and orange rinds, only I would probably add more of them than this recipe calls for. Instead of lemon juice, I would squeeze some fresh orange juice (and include the pulp) ...

And then, when it was all ready to eat, I would drizzle some chocolate over the top.


1 comment:

Beth Niquette said...

Oh, Sissy--that does sound good! I'm so glad you're keeping up with this recipe blog. I haven't written them all down yet. (grin)

Love you!